
For current reprints: see below for PDF downloads or email Dr. Bledsoe.

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* denotes student author

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*Chambers, M.L., *Lammers, R.W., Gupta, A., Bilskie, M.V., Bledsoe, B.P. 2024. Modeling the flood protection services of levee setbacks, a nature-based solution. Journal of Hydrology, 634 (2024) 131106.


*Lammers, R.W., *Chambers, M.L., Bledsoe, B.P. 2023. Modeling the effects of levee setbacks on flood hydraulics. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 17(1).

Van Rees, C.B., Hernández-Abrams, D.D., Shudtz, M., *Lammers, R., Byers, J., Bledsoe, B.P., Bilskie, M.V., Calabria, J., Chambers, M., Dolatowski, E. and Ferreira, S., et al. 2023. Reimagining infrastructure for a biodiverse future. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(46).

*Chambers, M.L., van Rees, C.B., Bledsoe, B.P., Crane, D., Ferreira, S., Hall, D.M., *Lammers, R.W., Landry, C.E., Nelson, D.R., Shudtz, M. and Suedel, B.C., 2023. Nature-based Solutions for Leveed River Corridors. Anthropocene 44, 100417.

*Yaryan Hall, H.R. and Bledsoe, B.P., 2023. Integrated Urban Riverscape Planning: Spatial Prioritization for Environmental Equity. ASCE OPEN: Multidisciplinary Journal of Civil Engineering, 1(1).

McKay, S.K., Wenger, S.J., van Rees, C.B., Bledsoe, B.P. and Bridges, T.S., 2023. Jointly advancing infrastructure and biodiversity conservation. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4:675-677.

*Adams, S. K., Bledsoe, B. P., & Stein, E. D. (2023). Advancing stream classification and hydrologic modeling of ungaged basins for environmental flow management in coastal southern California. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(16), 3021-3039.

Jackson, C. R., Wenger, S. J., Bledsoe, B. P., Shepherd, J. M., Capps, K. A., Rosemond, A. D., … & Rasmussen, T. C. (2023). Water supply, waste assimilation, and low‐flow issues facing the Southeast Piedmont Interstate‐85 urban archipelago. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59(5):1146-1161.

*Selsor, H. and B.P. Bledsoe.  2023. Recognizing flood risk inequities across flood frequencies. Anthropocene 42.

Drake, J. M., Marty, É., Gandhi, K. J., Welch‐Devine, M., Bledsoe, B., Shepherd, M., … & Montes, C. 2023. Disasters collide at the intersection of extreme weather and infectious diseases. Ecology Letters, 26(4):485-489.

*Stephens, T. A., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2023. Flood Protection Reliability: The Impact of Uncertainty and NonstationarityWater Resources Research 59(2).

*Yaryan Hall, H. and B.P. Bledsoe.  2023. Integrating Channel Design and Assessment Methods Based on Sediment Transport Capacity in Gravel Bed Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59(4):681-700.


*Hewageegana, V.H., M.V. Bilskie, C.B. Woodson, B.P. Bledsoe. 2022. The effects of coastal marsh geometry and surge scales on water level attenuation. Ecological Engineering, 185, 106813.

*Stephens, T.A. and B.P. Bledsoe. 2022. Simplified Uncertainty Bounding: An Approach for Estimating Flood Hazard Uncertainty. Water 14(10):1618.

*Lammers, R.W., B.P. Bledsoe, *L. Miller. 2022. Effects of design and climate on bioretention effectiveness for watershed-scale hydrologic benefits. ASCE Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 8(4), 04022011.

Li, Y., D.B. Wright, B.P. Bledsoe. 2022. Watershed Controls and Tropical Cyclone-Induced Changes in River Hydraulic Geometry in Puerto Rico. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.

Cubley, E. S., Richer, E. E., *Baker, D. W., Lamson, C. G., *Hardee, T. L., Bledsoe, B. P., & *Kulchawik, P. L. 2022. Restoration of riparian vegetation on a mountain river degraded by historical mining and grazing. River Research and Applications.


*Hoghooghi, N., Pippin, J. S., Meyer, B. K., Hodges, J. B., & Bledsoe, B. P. 2021. Frontiers in assessing septic systems vulnerability in coastal Georgia, USA: Modeling approach and management implications. Plos one, 16(8), e0256606.

*Hoghooghi, N., Bosch, D. D., and Bledsoe, B. P. 2021. Assessing hydrologic and water quality effects of land use conversion to Brassica carinata as a winter biofuel crop in the southeastern coastal plain of Georgia, USA using the SWAT model. GCB Bioenergy, 13(3):473-492.


Nelson, D. R., Bledsoe, B. P., Ferreira, S., and Nibbelink, N. P. 2020. Challenges to realizing the potential of nature-based solutions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 45:49-55.

Nag, S., Li, A. S., Ravindra, V., Net, M. S., Cheung, K. M., *Lammers, R., and Bledsoe, B. 2020. Autonomous scheduling of agile spacecraft constellations with delay tolerant networking for reactive imaging. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.09940.

Nelson, D. R., B. P. Bledsoe, J.M. Shepherd. 2020. From Hubris to Humility: Transcending Original Sin in Managing Hydroclimatic Risk. Anthropocene, 100239.

*Stephens, T. A., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2020. Low-flow trends at southeast U.S. streamflow gages. ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001212.

*Stephens, T. A., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2020. Probabilistic mapping of flood hazards: Depicting uncertainty in streamflow, land use, and geomorphic adjustment. Anthropocene 29, 100231.

Bestgen, K. R., N.L. Poff, *D.W. Baker, B.P. Bledsoe, D.M. Merritt, M. Lorie, G.T. Auble, J.S. Sanderson, and B.C. Kondratieff. 2020. Designing flows to enhance ecosystem functioning in heavily altered rivers. Ecological Applications 30, e02005. 10.1002/eap.200


Grantham, T.E., J.H. Matthews, B.P. Bledsoe. 2019. Shifting currents: Managing freshwater systems for ecological resilience in a changing climate. Water Security 8.

*Peterson, N.E., C.E. Landry, C.R. Alexander, K. Samples, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2019. Socioeconomic and environmental predictors of estuarine shoreline hard armoring. Scientific Reports 9, 16288 (2019).

*Lammers, R.W., T.A. Dell, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2019. Integrating Stormwater Management and Stream Restoration Strategies for Greater Water Quality Benefits. Journal of Environmental Quality.

*Parker, S.R., *S.K. Adams, R.W. Lammers, E.D. Stein, B.P. Bledsoe. 2019. Targeted hydrologic model calibration to improve prediction of ecologically-relevant flow metrics. Journal of Hydrology, 573:546-556.

Lammers, R.W. and B.P. Bledsoe. 2019. Quantifying Pollutant Loading from Channel Sources: Watershed-Scale Application of the River Erosion Model. Journal of Environmental Management, 234:104-114.

Cui, W., X. Mu, W. Chen, *T.A. Stephens, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2019. Emergency Control Scheme for Upstream Pools of Long‐Distance Canals. Irrigation and Drainage.


Cui, W., X. Mu, W. Chen, T.A. Stephens, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2018. Emergency Control Scheme for Upstream Pools of Long‐Distance Canals. Irrigation and Drainage.

Levick, L., S. Hammer, R. Lyon, J. Murray, A. Birtwistle, P. Guertin, D. Goodrich, B. Bledsoe, and M. Laituri. 2018. An Ecohydrological Stream Type Classification of Intermittent and Ephemeral Streams in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Arid Environments, 155: 16-35.

*Sholtes, J.S., *S.E. Yochum, J.A. Scott, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2018. Longitudinal Variability of Geomorphic Response to Floods. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 43(15).

*Lammers, R.W., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2018. A Network Scale, Intermediate Complexity Model for Simulating Channel Evolution Over Years to Decades. Journal of Hydrology, 566:886–900.

Hoghooghi, N., H.E. Golden, B.P. Bledsoe, B.L. Barnhart, A.F. Brookes, K.S. Djang, J.J. Halama, R.B. McKane, C.T. Nietch, and P.P. Pettus. 2018. Cumulative Effects of Low Impact Development on Watershed Hydrology in a Mixed Land-Cover System. Water, 10(8):991.

Mazor, R.D., J.T. May, A. Sengupta, K.S. McCune, B.P. Bledsoe, and E.D. Stein. 2018. Tools for Managing Hydrologic Alteration on a Regional Scale: Setting Targets to Protect Stream Health. Freshwater Biology.

Sengupta, A., *S.K. Adams, B.P. Bledsoe, E.D. Stein, K.S. McCune, and R.D. Mazor. 2018. Tools for Managing Hydrologic Alteration on a Regional Scale: Estimating Changes in Flow Characteristics at Ungauged Sites. Freshwater Biology, 63(8).

*Lammers, R.W., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2018. Parsimonious Sediment Transport Equations Based on Bagnold’s Stream Power Approach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(1):242–258.


Stephens, T., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2017. Urban Floodplains: Changing Climate, Land Use, and River Channels. Regions Magazine, 306(1):18-20.

*Lammers, R.W., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2017. What Role Does Stream Restoration Play In Nutrient Management?. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 47(6):335–371.

*Lammers, R.W. B.P. Bledsoe, and E.J. Langendoen. 2017. Uncertainty and Sensitivity in a Bank Stability Model: Implications for Estimation Phosphorus Loading. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

*Rosburg, T.T., P.A. Nelson, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2017. Effects of Urbanization on Flow Duration and Stream Flashiness: A Case Study of Puget Sound Systems, Western Washington, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 53(2):493–507.

Stein, E.D., A. Sengupta, R.D. Mazor, K. McCune, B.P. Bledsoe, and *S. Adams. 2017. Application of Regional Flow-Ecology Relationships to Inform Watershed Management Decisions: Application of the ELOHA Framework in the San Diego River Watershed, California, USA. Ecohydrology, online.

*Stroth, T.R., B.P. Bledsoe, and P.A. Nelson. 2017. Full Spectrum Analytical Channel Design with the Capacity/Supply Ratio (CSR). Water, 9(4):271, Special Issue “Stream Channel Stability, Assessment, Modeling, and Mitigation.”

Xin D., X. Du, K. Li, S. Zeng, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2017. Benchmarking Sustainability of Urban Water Infrastructure Systems in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, online, ISSN 0959-6526.

*Yochum, S.E., *J.S. Sholtes, J.A. Scott, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2017. Stream Power Framework for Predicting Geomorphic Change: The 2013 Colorado Front Range Flood. Geomorphology, 292:178–192.


*Fox, B.D., B.P. Bledsoe, *E. Kolden, M.C. Kondratieff, and C.A. Myrick. 2016. Eco-Hydraulic Evaluation of a Whitewater Park as a Fish Passage Barrier. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 52(2):420–442.

*Sholtes, J., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2016. Half-Yield Discharge: Process-Based Predictor of Bankfull Discharge. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(8).

Wohl, E.E., B.P. Bledsoe, K.D. Fausch, N. Kramer, K.R. Bestgen, and M.N. Gooseff. 2016. Management of Large Wood in Streams: An Overview and Proposed Framework for Hazard Evaluation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 52(2):315–335.


*Stephens, T.A., B.P. Bledsoe, *B.D. Fox, *E. Kolden, and M.C. Kondratieff. 2015. Effects of Whitewater Parks on Fish Passage: A Spatially Explicit Hydraulic Analysis. Ecological Engineering 83:305–318, doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.06.032.

*Mueller-Price, J.M., B.P. Bledsoe, and *D.W. Baker. 2015. Influences of Sudden Changes in Physical Stream Characteristics on Transient Storage and Nitrate Uptake in an Urban Stream. Hydrological Processes 29:1466-1479, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10275.

Wohl, E.E., B.P. Bledsoe, R.B. Jacobson, N.L. Poff, S.L. Rathburn, D.M. Walters, and A.C. Wilcox. 2015. The Natural Sediment Regime in Rivers: Broadening the Foundation for Ecosystem Management. BioScience 5(4):358-371, DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biv002.


*Sholtes, J., *K. Wyberlo, and B. Bledsoe. 2014. Physical Context for Theoretical Approaches to Sediment Transport Magnitude-Frequency Analysis in Alluvial Channels. Water Resources Research 50(10):7900–791, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015639.

*Yochum, S.E., B.P. Bledsoe, E.E. Wohl, and G.C.L. David. 2014. Spatial Characterization of Roughness Elements in High-gradient Channels of the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, USA. Water Resources Research, 50(7): 6015–6029, DOI: 10.1002/2014WR015587.

*Mueller-Price, J.M., Bledsoe, B.P., and D.P. Baker. 2014. Influences of Sudden Changes in Discharge and Physical Stream Characteristics on Transient Storage and Nitrate Uptake in an Urban Stream. Hydrological Processes.


*Hawley, R.J., and B.P. Bledsoe. 2013. Channel Enlargement in Semiarid Suburbanizing Watersheds: A Southern California Case Study. Journal of Hydrology, 496: 17–30. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.05.010

*Wilding, T.K., B. Bledsoe, N.L. Poff, and J. Sanderson. 2014. Predicting Habitat Response to Flow Using Generalized Habitat Models for Trout in Rocky Mountain Streams. River Research and Applications, DOI: 10.1002/rra.2678.


*Baker, D.W., B.P. Bledsoe, and *J. Mueller Price. 2012. Nitrate Uptake and Transient Storage over a Gradient of Geomorphic Complexity, North-central Colorado, USA. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.8385.

Bledsoe, B.P., E.D. Stein, *R.J. Hawley, and D.B. Booth. 2012. Framework and Tool for Rapid Assessment of Stream Susceptibility to Hydromodification. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 48(4):788-808; doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2012. 00653.x.

*Hawley, R.J., B.P. Bledsoe, E.D. Stein, and *B.E. Haines. 2012. Channel Evolution Model of Response to Urbanization in Southern California. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 48(4):722-744; doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2012.00645.x.

*Laub, B.G., *D.W. Baker, B.P. Bledsoe, and M.A. Palmer. 2012. Range of Variability of Channel Complexity in Urban, Restored and Forested Reference Streams. Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02763.x.

*Yochum, S.E., B.P. Bledsoe, *G.C.L. David, and E.E. Wohl. 2012. Velocity Prediction in High-gradient Channels. Journal of Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.12.031.


*Baker, D.W., B.P. Bledsoe, *C.M. Albano, and N.L. Poff. 2011. Downstream Effects of Diversion Dams on the Sediment and Hydraulic Conditions of Rocky Mountain Streams. River Research and Applications, doi: 10.1002/rra.1376.

*David, G.C.L., E. Wohl, *S.E. Yochum, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2011. Comparative Analysis of Bed Resistance Partitioning in High-gradient Streams. Water Resources Research 47, W07507, doi:10.1029/2010WR009540.

*Hawley, R.J. and B.P. Bledsoe. 2011. How Do Flow Peaks and Durations Change in Suburbanizing Semi-arid Watersheds? A Southern California Case Study. Journal of Hydrology 405:69-82, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.05.011.

Sanderson, J.S., N. Rowan, *T. Wilding, B.P. Bledsoe, W.J. Miller, and N.L. Poff. 2011. Getting to Scale with Environmental Flow Assessment: The Watershed Flow Evaluation Tool. River Research and Applications, doi:10.1002/rra.1542.


*David, G.C.L., E. Wohl, *S.E. Yochum, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2010. Controls on Spatial Variations in Flow Resistance Along Steep Mountain Streams. Water Resources Research 46, W03513, doi:10.1029/2009WR008134.

*David, G.C. L., E.E. Wohl, *S.E. Yochum, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2010. At-a-station Hydraulic Geometry of Steep Mountain Streams. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 35(15):1820–1837, doi:10.1002/esp.2023

*Matter, M.A., L.A. Garcia, D.G. Fontane, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2010. Characterizing Hydroclimatic Variability in Tributaries of the Upper Colorado River Basin – WY1911-2001. Journal of Hydrology 380(3-4):260-276.

Poff, N.L., *M.I. Pyne, B.P. Bledsoe, *C.O. Cuhaciyan, and D.M. Carlisle. 2010. Developing Linkages Between Species Traits and Multiscaled Environmental Variation to Explore Vulnerability of Stream Benthic Communities to Climate Change. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29(4):1441–1458, doi:10.1899/10-030.1.

Poff, N.L., B.D. Richter, A.H. Arthington, S.E. Bunn, R.J. Naiman, E. Kendy, M. Acreman, C. Apse, B. P. Bledsoe, M.C. Freeman, J. Henriksen, R.B. Jacobson, J.G. Kennen, D.M. Merritt, J.H. O’Keeffe, J.D. Olden, K. Rogers, R.E. Tharme, and A. Warner. 2010. The Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration (ELOHA): A New Framework for Developing Regional Environmental Flow Standards. Freshwater Biology 55:147-170.


Craig, L.S., M.A. Palmer, D.C. Richardson, S. Filoso, E.S. Bernhardt, B.P. Bledsoe, M.W. Doyle, P.M. Groffman, B. Hassett, S.S. Kaushal, P.M. Mayer, S.M. Smith, and P.R. Wilcock. 2008. Stream Restoration Strategies for Reducing River Nitrogen Loads. Frontiers in Ecology & Environment 6, doi:10.1890/070080.

*David, G.C., B.P. Bledsoe, D.M. Merritt, and E.E. Wohl. 2008. Impacts of Ski Slope Development on Stream Channel Morphology in the White River National Forest, CO. Geomorphology 103:375-388, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.07.003.


Bledsoe, B.P., *M.C. Brown, and D.A. Raff. 2007. GeoTools: A Toolkit for Fluvial System Analysis. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43(3):757-772, doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00060.x.


*Carney, S.K., B.P. Bledsoe, and D. Gessler. 2006. Representing the Bed Roughness of Coarse-Grained Streams in Computational Fluid Dynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31:736-749.

*Flores, A.N., B.P. Bledsoe, *C.O. Cuhaciyan, and E.E. Wohl. 2006. Channel-reach Morphology Dependence on Energy, Scale, and Hydroclimatic Processes with Implications for Prediction Using Geospatial Data. Water Resources Research 42, W06412, doi:10.1029/2005WR004226.

*Sanborn, S.C. and B.P. Bledsoe. 2006. Predicting Streamflow Regime Metrics for Ungauged Streams in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon. Journal of Hydrology 325:241-261.

*Olden, J.D., N.L. Poff, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2006. Incorporating Ecological Knowledge Into Ecoinformatics: An Example of Modeling Hierarchically-Structured Aquatic Communities With Neural Networks. Ecological Informatics 1:33-42.

Poff, N.L., B.P. Bledsoe, and *C.O. Cuhaciyan. 2006. Hydrologic Alterations Due to Differential Land Use Across the Contiguous United States: Geomorphic and Ecological Consequences for Stream Ecosystems. Geomorphology 79:264-285.

Poff, N.L., *J.D. Olden, *D.M. Pepin, and B.P. Bledsoe. 2006. Placing Global Streamflow Variability in Geographic and Geomorphic Contexts. River Research and Applications 22:149-166.


Bledsoe, B.P., Meyer, J., Holburn, E., Cuhaciyan, C., Earsom, S., Olson, K. and B. Snyder. 2005. Eagle River Inventory and Assessment. Prepared for the Eagle River Watershed Council, Colorado State University.